Dr. Kumar isn’t just another politician. He's a dedicated doctor who has touched countless lives, a successful small business owner, and a relentless community activist committed to making a difference. Every contribution brings us a step closer to a more inclusive and forward-thinking representation.

Join us today. Let's drive change and flip this district together. Your support can make it happen.

Meet Dr. Kumar

Dr. Anil Kumar isn’t just another name on the ballot. He is a doctor who has dedicated his life to the well-being of others, a successful small business owner with a keen understanding of our economy, and a lifelong advocate who has championed the causes that matter most.

Today, he represents a beacon of hope and a promise of genuine change for Michigan’s 10th Congressional District. With a fierce commitment to ensuring comprehensive healthcare, championing women's rights, and bolstering our economy, Dr. Kumar is the voice we need in Congress.
Dr. Kumar for Michigan CongressDr Kumar with his family on a house porch

dr kumar's background

Above everything Dr. Kumar deeply values the core American ideals and the pursuit of the American Dream. He began his medical practice in Rochester Hills, nestled within Michigan's 10th Congressional District, back in 1993. There, he unwaveringly committed to his patients' health and well-being. However, over time, he recognized the overwhelming influence of special interests in healthcare, often to the detriment of his patients.

This realization ignited a new purpose in Dr. Kumar. He understood that while he could heal as a doctor, there was a broader system at play hindering true patient well-being. His paramount goal now is to guarantee comprehensive healthcare for all, encompassing prescription coverage. He envisions a future where Medicare is a readily available public option, and Expanded Medicaid reaches those unable to shoulder healthcare costs.
My guiding principles are a profound love for family and an unwavering commitment to community service.
- Dr Anil Kumar
Surgeon Dr Kumar walking in the hallway of his surgical center


As a distinguished Surgeon and Urologist, Dr. Kumar has always been guided by his commitment to prioritize people. In his early days as a doctor in India, he was a trailblazer in establishing a union for resident doctors. In his medical practice, political affiliations don't matter; his focus is solely on providing care. His dedication to community service led to his 2018 election to the Wayne State University Board of Governors. In this role, he championed a transformative program offering free education to children from families with an annual income $70,000 or less.

A dedicated mentor, Dr. Kumar has consistently invested time in shaping the next generation of medical professionals, emphasizing the importance of higher education and skill training. He holds a firm conviction that education lays the foundation for our nation's prosperity.

Beyond medicine, Dr. Kumar's entrepreneurial spirit is evident. As the owner of a Urology Practice, a Surgical Center, and a former owner of Doctors Hospital, he intimately understands the dynamics of small businesses and the concerns of their workforce. Dr. Kumar recognizes that small business owners, workers, and unions are the pillars of our economy. His vision is to fortify these pillars by fostering small business growth, retaining talented professionals, and stimulating job creation within the district.
On The Issues

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